Technical Conference: Feasibility of planting of vineyards in the Bages
The agrarian school of Manresa once consulted the wine sector of the region, we organize this day addressed to managers of farms that consider the vine as an element of diversification of your income and temporary work throughout the year. [...]
New paper on pollinators and ecosystems
Pollinators are vital for maintaining healthy ecosystems and for food production. At a global level, pollinator diversity is being lost due to industrial agricultural practices. Using large quantities of pesticides and favouring the production of only a few cultivars over [...]
Food sovereignty in Catalonia presentation
El proper dimarts 5 de març es presentaran els recents informes sobre Sobirania Alimentària a Catalunya. Una bona oportunitat per a conèixer l’estat de la qüestió més recent i actualitzat sobre aquesta temàtica, així com per a debatre sobre les [...]
Menjadors escolars ecològics o agroecologia escolar?
Jornada PATT (veure programa) Actualment a Catalunya existeix un creixent volum d’experiències de menjadors escolars ecològics, uns projectes que aposten per la millora de la nutrició infantil i per la sostenibilitat ambiental i social, sovint acompanyades d’innovadores iniciatives pedagògiques en [...]
Gender and feminist perspective to global environmental change
Roundtable on Gender and feminist perspective to global environmental change: resistance, resilience and adaptation Participants (in English and Spanish): Houria Djoudi, Researcher at CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research), in Gender, power and environmental changes Maria Fernández Giménez, Professor and [...]
Resolution of the EU on violation of the rights of indigenous peoples in the world, including land grabbing
We are happy to share some news received from the EP Dear friends, We are very pleased to inform you that the European Parliament voted the resolution on “violation of the rights of indigenous peoples in the world, including land [...]
La càtedra d’Agroecologia organitza una escola d’estiu internacional per reflexionar sobre pràctiques d’investigació i justícia social
La càtedra d’Agroecologia i Sistemes Alimentaris de la UVic-UCC organitza aquesta setmana una escola d’estiu internacional sobre pràctiques d’investigació per a la transformació del sistema alimentari. El curs vol respondre a com es pot aprendre i fer recerca de manera que es [...]
New edition of the Nyéléni newsletter
The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is out. It is on children and food sovereignty. Find it in the three languages under the links below: English: Spanish: French: We hope it can be useful for your [...]