Roundtable on Gender and feminist perspective to global environmental change: resistance, resilience and adaptation

Participants (in English and Spanish):

Houria Djoudi, Researcher at CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research), in Gender, power and environmental changes
Maria Fernández Giménez, Professor and Researcher, Colorado State University, in socioecological topics, gender and global environmental changes
Seema Arora Johnsson (via webinar), Professor and researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, working on Gender, feminism and adaption to climate change
Jessica Milgroom, Activist resarcher at Cultivate in agroecology and feminism
with the participation of Defensoras del pueblo, Activistas de Guatemala on gender and socioenvironemntal conflicts

The roundtable will be chaired by:
Federica Ravera, Researcher at UVic, Cátedra de Agroecologiía y sistemas alimentarios and feminist activist in  colectivo FRACTAL
Irene Iniesta Arandia, Researcher at Universidad de Córdoba and feminist activist in  colectivo FRACTAL
Monday 26th November 2018
From 18 to 20 h
Casa de Convalescencia (UVic)
Sala Mecenes
Carrer Dr. Junyent 1. 08500 Vic
You can find all the information here: Taula Rodona 26 de novembre