Very proud of Ph.D. Marta Ferrer, coordinator of the line of research Innovation in wound healing, by oral communication presented at XIII Symposium on pressure ulcers and chronic wounds organized by GNEAUPP (National Group for the Study and Advice of Pressure ulcers and chronic wounds), celebrated in Toledo, Castilla – La Mancha, on November 10-12, 2021.
Ph.D. Ferrer presented the results of the project entitled “Intervention of a clinical unit of hospital wounds with the basic health areas of its territory to improve health results.” (1)
In this project, the Clinical Wound Unit moved to the Basic Health Areas with the aim of unifying referral criteria, promoting shared care between primary and specialized care and improving efficiency in the early detection of complex cases in primary care to require healing time. The study showed positive results in the acceptance of both professionals and users served. The conclusions of the study show benefits at 3 different levels: not saturating specialized care, increasing the skills of primary care professionals in complex wounds, and promoting early detection of wounds at risk of complication with a faster referral to specialized care.
Congratulations PhD Ferrer for such an achievement!
(1) Original title (Spanish) “Intervención de una unidad clínica de heridas hospitalaria con las áreas básicas de salud de su territorio para mejorar los resultados de salud del territorio” Ferrer-Solà Marta 1,2; Casals-Zorita Marta 1,2; Sureda- Vidal Helena 1; Clapera-Cros Fina 1; Morera-Soler Núria 1; Rodellas-Carrera Elisabet 3; Gordo-Serra Núria 4. 1- Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic; 2- Grup de recerca en Reparació i Regeneració Tissular (TR2Lab); 3. SAP Osona; 4. SAP Osona
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