Mechanisms of tissue repair and regeneration Research line

Mechanisms of tissue repair and regeneration Research line2024-04-03T17:55:59+02:00

The research line in Mechanisms of Tissue Repair and Regeneration at the TR2Lab, directed by Ph.D. Marta Otero, is focused on studying the molecular and cellular processes involved in tissue repair and regeneration.

We leverage in vitro and ex vivo technologies to understand the repair and regeneration process in chronic wounds, we are involved in a cardiovascular bioengineering project to create new cardiovascular tissues, and we are applying autologous growth factors to promote tissue regeneration. Our long-term goals are better understanding the biological basis of tissue repair and regenerating in order to contribute to the design of novel biological therapies to improve tissue repair and regeneration.

Our last happenings

High-Intensity Exercise Promotes Deleterious Cardiovascular Remodeling in a High-Cardiovascular-Risk Model: A Role for Oxidative Stress

Article: High-Intensity Exercise Promotes Deleterious Cardiovascular Remodeling in a High-Cardiovascular-Risk Model: A Role for Oxidative Stress Authors: Meza-Ramos, A.; Alcarraz, A.; Lazo-Rodriguez, M.; Sangüesa, G.; Banon-Maneus, E.; Rovira, J.; Ramirez-Bajo, M.J.; Sitges, M.; Mont, L.; Ventura-Aguiar, P. Link:

Maria Rovira Dalmau presented an e-poster at EWMA international congress 2023

Maria Rovira Dalmau, a member of TR2Lab, presented an e-poster at the 33rd Conference of The European Wound Management Association (EWMA), celebrated in Milan, Italy on 3-5 may, 2023. The title of the poster was: “A study case: multidisciplinary approach and advanced therapies for treating a diabetic foot ulcer” [...]

Maria Rovira Dalmau presented an e-poster at EWMA international congress 2023

Maria Rovira Dalmau, a member of TR2Lab, presented an e-poster at the 33rd Conference of The European Wound Management Association (EWMA), celebrated in Milan, Italy on 3-5 May 2023. The title of the poster was “Autologous growth factors treatment for upper extremity minor traumatic wounds in elders” (1). [...]

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