Clara Masó, a member of the TR2Lab, presented an e-poster at the 33RD Conference of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA), celebrated in Milan, Italy on 3-5 may, 2023.
The title of the e-poster was “A study case: perianal ulcer caused by a hemorrhoidal ointment”(1). She presented a case barely reported in the literature although this hemorrhoidal ointment has been marketed for more than 40 years and there has been an increasing number of cases during COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. This case shows us the great help of clinical wound units and the value of advanced therapies, in this case autologous growth factors to promote tissue regeneration and control of pain.
- Original title of the oral communication: “A study case: perianal ulcer caused by a hemorrhoidal ointment” Masó-Albareda Clara 1,2; Rovira-Dalmau Maria 1,2; Casals-Zorita Marta 1,2; Bonjoch-Jaques Eva 2; Bajo-Peñas Lorena 2; Otero-Viñas Marta 1,3; Espaulella-Panicot Joan 2,4; Ferrer-Solà Marta 1,2,4
1- Tissue Repair and Regeneration Laboratory (TR2Lab), Institute for Research and Innovation in Life and Health Sciences in Central Catalonia (IrisCC), Vic, Barcelona, Spain; 2- Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic, Vic, Barcelona, Spain; 3- Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering, University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia, Vic, Barcelona, Spain Vic, Barcelona, Spain; 4- Hospital Universitari de Vic, Barcelona, Spain
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