“Co-created ITC solutions for Alzheimer’s Informal Caregiving” aims to develop ICT enhancements designed to make day-to-day care for caregivers of Alzheimer’s easier. It will involve academics, business and caregivers from Spain, Portugal and UK in design and development of new ICT products and services.

The Involvement of users in the co-production of products or services results in better suited to the needs of consumers, and greater usability and effectiveness. Users are an immense source of knowledge and creative ideas that can help to transform regular products or services into innovative ones and to strengthen the communities in which users live. The project will create convening spaces for bringing together ICT solutions designers and providers, users and Higher Education Institutions to develop practical guidance and establish a virtual community of practice (CoP) to make offer and demand better suited, with the final aim of improving the quality of life of Alzheimer’s patients.

This project is coordinated by Anna Ramon-Aribau, from M3O research group, along with the Digital Care research group also from UVic-UCC. The research team is composed by Eduard Minobes-Molina, Montse Romero-Mas, Josan Merchán-Baeza, Cristina Borralleras-Andreu, and Sergi Grau-Carrión.

The consortium of the project is made up of 9 European institutions located in Catalonia, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Belgium. Co-in-Care is an Erasmus+ project Knowledge Alliances.





El projecte Co-care dels grups de recerca M3O i Digital Care celebra la seva reunió de llançament a Vic


Anna Ramon: anna.ramon@uvic.cat