Health promotion, integrated care and social inclusion

Person-centered care: What role can play occupational therapy?

Date – Wednesday  28th June from 17:00 to 19:30

Place – Segimon Serrallonga Hall

Responsible for the activity – Raimon Milà, research group Methodology, Methods, Models and Health and Social Outcomes and Laura Vidaña, research group Society, Politics and Inclusive Communities.


  • Hans Jonsson. Professor in Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science at Institut Karolinska. Sweden.
  • Susanne Guidetti. Professor at Institut Karolinska. Sweden.


Don’t forget to register! (write down the detail of the simposia you want to attend in the registration form)

You can now download the program of IWHE 2017.


Practice Guidelines for Recovery-Oriented Care for Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions

Date – Thursday 29th June from 15:30 to 18:00

Place – Segimon Serrallonga Hall

Responsible for the activity – Salvador Simó, research group Mental Health and Social Innovation.


  • Maria Angels Gonzalez Ibanez from Mental Health Care. Yale University. United States.


Don’t forget to register! (write down the detail of the simposia you want to attend in the registration form)

You can now download the program of IWHE 2017.
