L’estudiant de Ciències de l’Activitat Física i de l’Esport, Paula Cubero, ha realitzat una mobilitat internacional d’estudi a Edge Hill University (Regne Unit).

Aquí us compartim l’escrit i les imatges que la Paula ens ha fet arribar explicant la seva experiència i animant a tots els estudiants a realitzar una mobilitat internacional.

“Before I began my studies at the University of Vic  I already knew that one of my goals was to live in an English-speaking country, specifically England. Thanks to the exchange programme I have been able to live the experience: to get to know the culture of a very close and very different country, travel, meet people from all over the world, improve my language skills, to experience another system of learning, to practice my sport in another country, to experience a challenge on a personal level and as a future professional, etc. 

What amazed me most about Edge Hill University were the facilities and the way I dealt with the teachers, who from the very first day made it easy for me to learn and provided me with the resources to improve in all areas. They have been very friendly and always willing to help.

International mobility has been a unique experience that has made me grow in many aspects and I would like to live again in the future.”

Des del Blog de la FETEP agraïm a la Paula que hagi compartit amb nosaltres la seva experiència i li desitgem que acabi de gaudir d’una estada plena d’aprenentatges i de bones experiències.

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