The team Garrins Metal·lics from UVic – UCC won the First Tech Challenge (FTC) Open Dutch Championship, celebrated on March 29th . This championship was held at Fontys University in Eindhoven (The Netherlands).
During the tournament Garrins Metàl•lics won two different awards:
- PTC design award. This award is given to the robot that incorporates industrial design elements to solve the proposed challenge.
- Winning alliance award. Awarded to the alliance (two teams) that wins in the final match.
Garrins Metàl•lics was the captain team of the winning alliance. The captain team of the winning alliance qualifies for the FIRST World Championship in St. Louis (USA). The final will be held from 23th to 26th of April. A video of the 2013 FIRST World Championship shows what our team will be facing in St. Louis.
This poses a new challenge to our team, which in a very short period of time have to obtain the necessary budget to travel to USA. During these days the team is having different meetings with all the sponsors.
Do you want to help us in our adventure??
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@GarrinsMetalics) to know our progress!!
The necessary budget for the 14 team members is presented below, and should be obtained before April 15th.
The talent and the spirit of Catalonia can be present at the FTC World Championship. Do you want to help us to bring it to US??