SAVE THE DATE: 12th and 13th December, 2013

The INNO4AGEING 2013 is the second edition of the International Meeting Point in Catalonia on active ageing topic, a detected priority working on the human health innovation field in Catalonia. The event’s main objective is to foster new synergies between Catalan and European actors committed to active ageing while maximizing opportunities to innovate in this field offering innovative solutions with R+D+I of value added for the society.


  • Businesses on the sector: Social, Health and ICT
  • Health-care staff: Nurses & Caregivers Patient
  • Medical and Socio-sanitary Centers
  • Patient and Support Assotiations and NGOs
  • Universities and Health Research Centers

Co-organized by ‘Parc de Salut‘ and ‘FORES‘, INNO4AGEING2013 is part of the XISCAT Network activities, being XISCAT a coordinated Network by ‘Parc de Salut’ for which ‘FORES’ is the network member representing the Osona territory. The INNO4AGEING 2013 edition follows the previous work developed and inherited from the first 2012 edition of  INNO4AGEING Congress developed at Vilanova i la Geltrú  and coorganizerd by ‘Parc de Salut’ and ‘Fundació ABAT‘, demostrative of the territorial coverage and developed work in network of ‘Parc de Salut’ and XISCAT on ageing topics and innovation issues.


Participation in the event is FREE for all kind of professionals and students dedicated to the fields of human health and innovation. The registration is mandatory previous to the participation, by filling with quality the participant registration form. All entries must be written in English and will be checked and validated before being included into the list of participants. Participation is ensured only after email confirmation from the Organizer Team. On-site registration accordingly to the seat availability:

  • Attendance to lectures and debates
  • Prototypes demonstration
  • Showing or defending posters
  • Participation on bilateral meetings