- Dr. Jordi Solé-Casals has been awarded with a Short Time Scientific Mission (STSM) grant within the COST Action IC1206 “De-Identification for Privacy Protection in Multimedia Content”, for a research stay at the
Argentine Institute of Radio Astronomy – CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council) – Buenos Aires (Argentina) . During this stay he will collaborate with Dr. César Caiafa in exploring compressive sensing techniques for de-identification applications.
- Dr. Jordi Solé-Casals, group leader of the DSP group, is member of the organizing committee of the conference NOLISP 2015 to be held in Vietri sul Mare, Italy. 18-20 May.
- DSP group participates in the research project “Free Apps for cognitive entertaiment and comunication”, organizated for CEAPAT.
- DSP group participates in the EU-funded research project SEACW, a living enviro
nment with training, information, tools and apps, and social networking.
- DSP group has joined the COST Action IC1206. This Action aims to facilitate coordinated interdisciplinary efforts (related to scientific, legal, ethical and societal aspects) in the introduction of person de-identification and reversible de-identification in multimedia content by networking relevant European experts and organisations.
- DSP group has obtained a research grant of the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) and the Fundación del Gobierno de España para la proyección internacional de las universidades españolas (Universidad.es). The project, entitled “Multidimensional EMD-EMF for EEG-fMRI Data Analysis” will be developed in collaboration with the Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning Group of the Universität Regensburg (Germany) during 2014 and 2015.
- Dr. Vladimir Zaiats will participate in a round table of the Statistics Day 2014 in Catalonia. to be held on October 3 in Girona. Dr. Zaiats will present the research activities related to statistics of our group.
- DSP group has joined the “The Spanish Network Time Series“. This network aims to bring together researchers from different groups to promote research in the area of time series analysis, modeling and forecasting.
- Dr. Jordi Solé-Casals has been awarded with a Short Time Scientific Mission (STSM) grant within the COST Action IC1206 “De-Identification for Privacy Protection in Multimedia Content”, for a research stay at the Digital Signal Processing Multimedia & Optical Communications Laboratory del Dept. of Applied Electronics de la Università degli Studi “Roma TRE” (Roma, Itàlia). During this stay he will collaborate with Prof. Patrizio Campisi in developing new systems for biometric identification through EEG signals.