Business planning for innovation based entrepreneurs(50h) (7-26 March): This is distance learning program to encourage creative thinking in developing a business idea by providing tools of self-profile entrepreneur. This training program over 4 weeks will develop by auto-learning activities and video streaming master classes, students will develop a business plan for an innovative business idea.


Contents and Lecturers:

  • Entrepreneurial selfskills
  • Creative thinking to develop a business idea
  • Innovation Implementation: policies, process and tools
  • From the idea to the business plan
  • Elevetor pitch
  • Legal framework and legal form of the company
  • Workshop of entrepreneurial experience
    • Undertaking (Ferran Latorre- Professional mountain climber)
    • Innovation and creativity to develop a business idea (Carles Gòmera- ACC1Ó)
    • Development of a new company based technology and key success factors in the formation and growth of the company and the entrepreneur (to resolve)
    • Transfer of knowledge generated by research centers to companies and entrepreneurs (Cecilia López- CsyM Asesores)
    • Establishing a personal brand: how to sell my business idea and made ​​a successful pitch elevetor (Oriol Brutau- Insightforum)
    • The use of technological tools and social networks to position my business idea (Eva Bruch- MoreThanLaw)
    • Financing my project, alternatives (Abel Cunill- Ona Capital I Fem-Ona Innovació)
    • Legal, patent and legal form of the company (to resolve)

Directed and supervised by Jordi Villà Freixa and Elisenda Tarrats Pons.

Offered in catalan, spanish and english.

more information and Enrol