Book presentation (activity in catalan):

” Mediterranean trees. Itinerary to its cultural and spiritual values”

Author: Dr. Josep Gordi Serrat. PhD in Geography. Geography professor and member of the Analysis and Management of Landscape Laboratory. University of Girona

Presenter: Sra. Montserrat Barniol. President of the Land Stewardship Network, representing the Consortium of Lluçanès and Mayor of Alpens. Degree in Geography and specialized in Tourism.

Workshop (activity in catalan):

“What is the role of Mediterranean trees in today’s society?


Dr. Jordi Camprodon.  PhD in Biology. Researcher and head of the Area of Biodiversity of Forest Technology Center of Catalonia. Associate professor of the University of Vic. Author of several articles and publications on forest ecology and management of the environment.

Dra. Claude-Brigitte Carcenac. PhD in History and specialist in the History of religions. Degree in History. Author of several essays, articles and publications on the history of religions, works translated into several languages.

Dr. Salvador Simó. PhD in Inclusive Education, Degree in Translation Studies and Graduate Diploma in Occupational Therapy. Coordinator of national and international projects related to health, inclusive education and environment.


Dra. Carme Casas. PhD in Biological Sciences. Professor and member of the Research Group of the Environment of the University of UVic. Researcher on vegetal ecology, conservation of the flora and the study and management of agricultural soils.

Date and Time

Thursday, 4th October at 11h


Aula Magna of the University of Vic

Free event. Pre-registration is required to reserve a place:
This is an event of the European Week for Land Stewardship.