Marina Di Masso Tarditti is co-director of the Chair of Agroecology and Food Systems for Social Transformation at University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC). She holds a PhD in Sociology and is currently Lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences and Community Health. She is member of the Society, Policies, and Inclusive Communities research group (SOPCI) and the UNESCO Chair on Women, Development, and Cultures. She is also coordinator of the specialization course on Local Agroecological Dynamization (UAB). Her research is framed in a critical approach to the agrifood system, focusing on the promotion of agroecology and alternative food systems. In particular, she is interested in the social sustainability of alternative food systems and agroecological transitions in dialogue with paradigms of critical economics such as feminist economics, social and solidarity economics, and commons. Her current research is focused on widening the viability analysis of agroecological farms from a feminist perspective.