Setting up Eduroam for Apple

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[translation under revision process]

You have two setup options:

  • Accept the certificate
  • Install the configuration profile

Option 1: accept the certificate

Requirement: you need to find yourself at the UVic facilities.

1. Connect your device to Eduroam network and enter your UVic-UCC email (, or and key

2. Accept the certificate click on “Continue”

3. Enter your device user and password and click to “update the configuration”.

4. Your decie will be connected automatically.

Option 2: install the configuration profile

You must to have an internet connection. You can do it at home.

1. Open the browser and go to This page will detect automatically detect your opratin system.

Click on “Download your eduroam installer”

2. Click on “Continue” to start the profile installation.
3. Click to “Continue” to confirm the profile installation
4. Enter your UVic-UCC email (, or and your Key.

5. Your profile will be installed automatically

For any problems in the set up:

IT Unit (B Bulding, B125 office, Campus Miramarges)