Clara Masó Albareda, who is doing her Final Thesis Degree under the co-supervision of PhD. Ester Goutan, attended the 2018 Jornada de Ferides. Peu diabètic in Vic, 25 May.

The “Jornada d’Atenció a les Ferides” is a scientific workshop organized by the Universitary Hospital of la Santa Creu de Vic (HUSC) together with the scientific support of the TR2Lab with the technical support of the “Fundació Osona per a la Recerca i l’Educació Sanitàries (FORES)” The main topic of the dissemination session is to give light to the improvement of the wound healing process. This year has taken place its 3rd edition dedicated to the Diabetic Foot.

The title of the oral communication presented by Clara Masó was “Anàlisi de les diferències de temperatura dels dos peus en pacients amb peu diabètic tractats en una unitat clínica de ferides cròniques”. (1) The study consisted of comparing the temperature at different foot zones in people suffering from diabetes. Her results showed that the temperature difference above 2,2ºC between contralateral foot points could be associated with complications in the diabetic foot (infections, edema…). As a conclusion, the results show that temperature monitorization of diabetic feet could help prevent complications.

Congratulations Clara for such excellent achievement!

(1) “Anàlisi de les diferències de temperatura dels dos peus en pacients amb peu  diabètic tractats en una unitat clínica de ferides cròniques”. Masó-Albareda Clara 1,3; Clapera-Cros 2, 3; Goutan-Roura Ester 1,3;  Puigoriol-Juvanteny Emma 1,4; Otero-Viñas Marta 1,3. 1- Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya; 2- Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu; 3-  TR2Lab; 4- Hospital Universitari de Vic.