Very proud of the nursing student Oumayma Ghanam Zaidan for the advances in her final thesis degree (TFG, abbreviation from the Catalan language) presented at VIII Workshop on Wound Healing, Vic June 7th, 2024.

Title of the poster communication: “Quality of life in people with complex injuries: validation of an assessment scale”(1)

· Original title form the poster communication: “La qualitat de vida en les persones amb ferides complexes: validació d’una escala d’avaluació” Ghanam-Zaidan, Oumayma; Casals-Zorita, Marta; Masó-Albareda, Clara; PalacioArronis, Natàlia

1-Faculty of Health and Welfare Sciences, University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia. (UVIC-UCC); 2-Tissue Repair and Regeneration Research Group (TR2Lab). Institute for Research and Innovation in Life and Health Sciences in Central Catalonia (IrisCC); 3-Foundation Hospital of Santa Creu de Vic. (FHSC); 4-University of Vic Doctoral School – Central University of Catalonia (UVIC-UCC).

The use of validated scales to measure health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments and improve the health and well-being of affected people. The aim of her TFG was a validation of the Wound-QoL scale translated from German to Catalan. The validation study of the Catalan version of the Wound-QoL scale was carried out, using it in 22 patients from the Clinical Wound Unit of Hospital Santa Creu in Vic.

The use of the Wound-QoL scale, in Catalan, in patients with complex wounds in the lower extremities it is promising to evaluate their HRQoL. This tool will most likely make it possible to identify different aspects that negatively impact the quality of life of patients, allowing us to improve their quality of life during treatment, addressing different aspects in a personalized and comprehensive way.