Very proud of Ph.D. Marta Ferrer, coordinator of the research line innovation in wound healing, for presenting the autologous growth factor therapy at the VIII Congreso Internacional Virtual Iberoamericano de Enfermería, celebrated online on March 17th-24th, 2021.

The title of the conference talk gave by Ph.D. Marta Ferrer was “Autologous growth factors as a therapy to increase the speed of healing”(1). In her talk, she presented this advanced biological therapy that is being used at the clinical wound unit of Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic.

(1) Original title of the conference talk “Factores de crecimiento autólogos como terapia para incrementar la velocidad de curación” Ferrer-Solà, Marta 1,2; Casals-Zorita, Marta 1,2; Masó-Albareda, Clara 1,2. 1- Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic. 2- Grup de recerca en Reparació i Regeneració Tissular (TR2Lab).