Mariona Espaulella, who is doing her doctoral thesis under the co-supervision of Ph.D. Marta Otero Viñas, and Anna Torné, who is doing her doctoral thesis under the co-supervision of Ph.D. Ester Goutan Roura and Ph.D. Jordi Amblas, presented their doctoral thesis projects at the contest “Your Thesis in 4 minuts” (original title) “La teva tesi en 4 minuts” of the UVic-UCC.

The contest “La teva tesi en 4 minuts” was develope in the UVic-UCC last Friday 20th of April the UVic-UCC. This contest that was aimed at PhD students at the University and proposes the challenge of explaining their research to the public in a very brief intervention. This is the first edition of the prize, which is jointly organized by the Scientific Dissemination Unit, the Doctoral School and the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia (CIC).