Mariona Espaulella Ferrer

Mariona Espaulella Ferrer, new doctor at UVic-UCC

On February 12, 2024, Mariona Espaulella Ferrer, a specialist in geriatrics and the current coordinator of medic services at Hospital de Campdevànol (Girona), successfully defended her doctoral thesis titled “Relationship between frailty and aging with health outcomes.” The research findings affirm that assessing the degree of frailty allows [...]

Medication Assessment in an Older Population during Acute Care Hospitalization and Its Effect on the Anticholinergic Burden: A Prospective Cohort Study

Medication Assessment in an Older Population during Acute Care Hospitalization and Its Effect on the Anticholinergic Burden: A Prospective Cohort Study Authors: Mariona Espaulella-Ferrer, Nuria Molist-Brunet, Joan Espaulella-Panicot, Daniel Sevilla-Sánchez, Emma Puigoriol-Juvanteny and Marta Otero-Viñas Abstract: (1) Background: Anticholinergic and sedative drugs (ASDs) contribute to negative health outcomes, [...]

Osona Health Award recognize how a best publication the article Assessment of frailty in elderly patients attending a multidisciplinary wound care center

In the 40th edition of the Osona Health Award, the article: Assessment of frailty in elderly patients assisting a multidisciplinary wound care center: a cohort study, has been recognized as the best published work. Some members of the research line on the mechanism of tissue repair and regeneration [...]

CHV 2021 awards the article Assessment of frailty in elderly patients attending a multidisciplinary wound care center: a cohort study

Last September 21, the new academic year of the CHV started, coinciding with the presentation of awards for research articles, of which the article presented by some TR2Lab members was awarded: Assessment of frailty in elderly patients assisting a multidisciplinary wound care center: a cohort study, as the [...]

Proud of TR2Lab health care professionals who are fighting this covid-19 outbreak

The nurses and physicians of TR2Lab are doing a great effort in the Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic, in the Hospital Universitari de Vic, in the Hospital d’Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa. Also, some of them are involved in the Coronavirus study led by the Oriol [...]

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