Very proud of Clara Masó and Marta Casals for the poster communication presented at the Virtual Simposio de Abordaje Integral del Pie Diabético 2021, celebrated on March 12th, 2021.

The title of the poster communication that Marta Casals and Clara Masó presented was “on a purposed case: a comprehensive approach to a patient with diabetic foot suspected of infection” (1).

In this communication, the authors discussed that in the treatment of infection, a comprehensive approach is key, since an infected ulcer is a prelude to amputation, and 85% of lower limb amputations are due to infection. Infection in diabetic foot ulcers should be suspected even in the absence of local signs of inflammation/infection and despite the good evolution of the ulcers. Early evaluation and treatment are the keys to a good evolution.

(1) Original title of the poster communication: “A propósito de un caso: abordaje integral de un paciente con pie diabético ante la sospecha de infección” Masó-Albareda, Clara 1,2; Casals-Zorita, Marta 1,2; Bajo-Peñas, Lorena 1; Ferrer-Solà, Marta 1,2. 1- Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic. 2- Grup de recerca en Reparació I Regeneració Tissular (TR2Lab).