Projects 2019

AGAUR awards an industrial doctorate to TR2Lab

GRANT. Project information. AGAUR (Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca) award an industrial doctorate grant to TR2Lab and Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic (HUSC) for developing the doctoral project of the doctoral student Helena Sureda focus on dependency-related injuries and patients fragility. Project Original Title [...]

V Workshop in care for chronic wounds. Update on the wound infection

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab has obtained a grant for organizing the fifth workshop in wound care. Original Title (catalan): "Jornada d’Atenció a les Ferides 2020. La infecció: de la valoració al tractament tòpic i al sistèmic" Principal Investigador: Marta Otero Viñas Research Team: Laia Bosch Presegué, Elisabet Dachs Cabanas, Anna [...]

V Workshop in biomedical scientific techniques for high school students

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab has obtained a grant for promoting scientific vocations to high school students. Original Title (catalan): "Taller científic en tècniques biomèdiques per a estudiants de batxillerat" Principal Investigator: Marta Otero Viñas Research Team: Elisabet Sarri Plans, Luís Agulló Rueda, Laia Bosch Pressegué, Elisabet Dachs Cabanas, Anna Dalmau [...]

Observational study: correlation between the composition and the in vitro functionality of the autologous platelet rich plasma with the healing evolution of chronic wounds treated with this therapy

GRANT. Project information. Marta Otero Viñas leader a recently obtained grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER program (Acción Estratégia en Salud 2017-2020 – Proyectos de investigación en salud). Team members: Elisabet Sarri, Marta Ferrer, Joan Espaulella, Marta Cullell, Montserrat [...]

  • Beca Consultori Bayés

Laura Redondo Parejo was awarded with a prize-grant to suport the development of his doctoral thesis about Trabecular Bone Score and osteoporosis

GRANT. Project information. Last Friday, within the annual meeting of the Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona - Delegació Osona, Laura Redondo, TR2Lab Ph.D. student, was awarded the Grant "Beca Consultori Bayés", instituted to support her doctoral thesis project. This project focused on defining the features of Trabecular Bone Score, a [...]

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