Marta Casals Zorita

Healthy habits to prevent complex lower extremity wounds. Relevance of the recommendations according to an experts

Article: Healthy habits to prevent complex lower extremity wounds. Relevance of the recommendations according to an experts Authors: Marta Casals-Zorita, Clara Masó-Albareda, Elisabet Sarri-Plans, Marta Ferrer-Solà. Link: PDF_article Abstract: Introduction: Self-care education programs for people suffering from chronic conditions improve both their health and their [...]

Clara Masó Albareda presented an oral communication at EWMA international congress 2023

Clara Masó, a member of the research line innovation in wound healing, presented an oral communication at the 33RD Conference of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA), celebrated in Milan, Italy on 3-5 May 2023. The title of the oral communication given by Clara Masó was “Martorell ulcer successfully heals [...]

Osona Health Award recognize how a best publication the article Assessment of frailty in elderly patients attending a multidisciplinary wound care center

In the 40th edition of the Osona Health Award, the article: Assessment of frailty in elderly patients assisting a multidisciplinary wound care center: a cohort study, has been recognized as the best published work. Some members of the research line on the mechanism of tissue repair and regeneration [...]

CHV 2021 awards the article Assessment of frailty in elderly patients attending a multidisciplinary wound care center: a cohort study

Last September 21, the new academic year of the CHV started, coinciding with the presentation of awards for research articles, of which the article presented by some TR2Lab members was awarded: Assessment of frailty in elderly patients assisting a multidisciplinary wound care center: a cohort study, as the [...]

Marta Casals, has presented her doctoral thesis project in the contest “Your thesis in 4 minutes” of the UVic-UCC

Marta Casals, a Ph.D. candidate who develops her doctoral thesis under the supervision of Ph.D. Elisabet Sarri and Ph.D. Marta Ferrer participated in the contest “Your Thesis in 4 minutes” with a presentation titled “Effectiveness and adherence to the educational program in patients with complex wounds in lower [...]

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