Elisabet Sarri Plans

V Workshop in biomedical scientific techniques for high school students

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab has obtained a grant for promoting scientific vocations to high school students. Original Title (catalan): "Taller científic en tècniques biomèdiques per a estudiants de batxillerat" Principal Investigator: Marta Otero Viñas Research Team: Elisabet Sarri Plans, Luís Agulló Rueda, Laia Bosch Pressegué, Elisabet Dachs Cabanas, Anna Dalmau [...]

Marta Casals presents at 1st workshop of geriatric nurses: recurrence wounds of leg ulcer treated at an intermediate care center

Very proud of doctoral student Marta Casals for the advances in her doctoral project presented at 1st workshop of geriatric nurses organized by Col·legi Infermeres de Barcelona, 29 November 2019. Marta Casals presented preliminary results of her Ph.D project. Title of the poster communication “Recurrence wounds of leg ulcer treated [...]

Observational study: correlation between the composition and the in vitro functionality of the autologous platelet rich plasma with the healing evolution of chronic wounds treated with this therapy

GRANT. Project information. Marta Otero Viñas leader a recently obtained grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER program (Acción Estratégia en Salud 2017-2020 – Proyectos de investigación en salud). Team members: Elisabet Sarri, Marta Ferrer, Joan Espaulella, Marta Cullell, Montserrat [...]

Ester Goutan presented an oral communication at the COHEHRE Conference 2019

“Interdisciplinary Research Mentoring Empowers Students and Improves their Interdisciplinary and Research Skills” (1) is the title of the oral communication Ester Goutan presented at the COHEHRE Conference 2019. The conference took place from the 3rd to the 5th of April in Vic (Catalonia). During the communication, Dr. Goutan presented the [...]

IV Workshop in care for chronic wounds. Update on the injuries related to dependency

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab has obtained a grant for organizing the forth workshop in care for chronic wounds. Original Title (catalan): Atenció a les ferides cròniques. Actualització sobre les lesions relacionades amb la dependència Principal Investigador: Marta Otero-Viñas Research Team: Núria Obradors Aranda, Ester Goutan-Roura, Montserrat Serra Mas, Elisabet Sarri [...]

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