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Date(s) - 09/12/2015
11.00 - 12.00

Aula TS116


Title: “Learning how organs and neurons are generated in real-time”

Berta Alsina i Español – Principal Investigator. Molecular Basis of Inner Ear Development (Universitat Pompeu Fabra/PRBB).

Date: 9th of December at 11:00h.

Place: TS116


During embryogenesis, from a single cell, a myriad of distinct cell types are generated in a precise spatial and temporal order. Moreover, cells dynamically organize into complex tissues and organs. In my laboratory, we study the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in neuron migration by imaging cells in vivo. I will discuss new data aimed at understanding how neurons migrate out of the epithelium during development, mechanisms that might be shared during tumor metastasis.
