Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC) is organising the VI International Conference: “Storytelling Revisited: Narrating within the Cultural Industries: Platforms, Stories and Narratives”, which will be held in Vic (Barcelona), 22&23 November, 2023.

This Conference aims at providing a forum for researchers to foster the analysis of storytelling in relation to cultural industries with a special attention to platforms, stories and the main actors in the narrative process.

The organizing committee is composed of several research groups across UVic-UCC, i.e. GLOSSA and GETLIHC from the Faculty of Education, Translation, Sports and Psychology (FETEP); TRACTE from the Faculty of Education, Translation, Sports and Psychology (FETEP) and the Faculty of Business and Communication Studies (FEC); EMPREN, from the Faculty of Business and Communication Studies (FEC); and ISaMBeS, from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Welfare (FCSB).

The 6th Storytelling Revisited invites researchers to deepen into the platformisation of cultural production (Nieborg & Poell, 2018). As pointed out by Poell, Nieborg and van Dijck (2019), platformisation transforms cultural practices reorganizing them around digital platforms, while at the same time these practices shape platforms’ institutional dimensions.

This academic meeting will revolve around the study of the relationship between platforms, content and narratives, focusing on four main areas:

The platformisation of cultural production and its impact on creativity and narratives. The first thematic axis will focus on how digital platforms influence audiovisual narratives, considering the mutual articulation between institutional changes and shifting cultural practices.

Storytelling and digital influencers: Emergent narrating models on social media. The aim of the second axis is to explore the role that figures such as youtubers, instagramers, twitchers or tiktokers are assuming as a narrative model for young audiences.

The power of sound: Trends in audio storytelling. The third axis deals with the evolution of audio narratives, both in fiction and non-fiction genres together with the rise of podcasting, which has highlighted the potential of sound in storytelling.

Gender, diversity and social perspective on audiovisual narratives. The fourth axis comprises the myriad of social views regarding the cultural industries, with a special focus on how gender or diversity are addressed in audiovisual production.