VI International Conference – Storytelling Revisited

Narrating within the Cultural Industries: Platforms, Stories and Narratives

Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya

22 & 23 November, 2023




This Conference aims at providing a forum for researchers to foster the analysis of storytelling in relation to cultural industries with a special attention to platforms, stories and the main actors in the narrative process.

The organizing committee is composed of several research groups across UVic-UCC, i.e. GLOSSA and GETLIHC from the Faculty of Education, Translation, Sports and Psychology (FETEP); TRACTE from the Faculty of Education, Translation, Sports and Psychology (FETEP) and the Faculty of Business and Communication Studies (FEC); EMPREN, from the Faculty of Business and Communication Studies (FEC); and ISaMBeS, from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Welfare (FCSB).

The 6th Storytelling Revisited invites researchers to deepen into the platformisation of cultural production (Nieborg & Poell, 2018). As pointed out by Poell, Nieborg and van Dijck (2019), platformisation transforms cultural practices reorganizing them around digital platforms, while at the same time these practices shape platforms’ institutional dimensions.

This academic meeting will revolve around the study of the relationship between platforms, content and narratives, focusing on four main areas:

The platformisation of cultural production and its impact on creativity and narratives. The first thematic axis will focus on how digital platforms influence audiovisual narratives, considering the mutual articulation between institutional changes and shifting cultural practices.

Storytelling and digital influencers: Emergent narrating models on social media. The aim of the second axis is to explore the role that figures such as youtubers, instagramers, twitchers or tiktokers are assuming as a narrative model for young audiences.

The power of sound: Trends in audio storytelling. The third axis deals with the evolution of audio narratives, both in fiction and non-fiction genres together with the rise of podcasting, which has highlighted the potential of sound in storytelling.

Gender, diversity and social perspective on audiovisual narratives. The fourth axis comprises the myriad of social views regarding the cultural industries, with a special focus on how gender or diversity are addressed in audiovisual production.


Keynote speakers

Joan Ramon Rodríguez-Amat (Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom)

Isabel Cadenas Cañón (New York University, USA)


Conference Topics

The “6th Storytelling Revisited: Narrating within the Cultural Industries. Platforms, Stories and Narratives will cover the following topics. Proposals about related topics are also welcome:

  • Audio storytelling
  • Audiovisual translation and digital platforms
  • Creativity in audiovisual translation
  • Cultural industries
  • Digital radio
  • Digital influencers
  • Digital platforms
  • Diversity in audiovisual narratives
  • Gender and audiovisual narratives
  • Hate speech
  • Media reception: audiences
  • Narrating models on social media
  • Platformisation of cultural production
  • Podcasting
  • Social documentaries
  • Social storytelling





Abstract submission

Deadline September the 30th 2023.

Click on the link to fill and submit your abstract: Abstract submission

Notification of acceptance: October the 15th 2023.

All submissions will be reviewed anonymously. All accepted papers will be allocated 15 minutes, with a further 5 minutes to be spent on discussion.


Publication opportunities

The journal Obra digital has scheduled a monographic issue focused on the cultural industries to be released in June 2024.

All conference participants are invited to publish a paper in this monographic issue and should explicitly mention it in the abstract form.

Be that the case, full papers should be sent before October the 31st 2023 to the journal website complying with the Submission instructions and guidelines.


A second publication will be issued by the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia Press. Full texts should be sent before January the 15th  2023 to


Organising committee

Mar Binimelis Adell (UVic-UCC); Paula Igareda González (UVic-UCC); Raúl Martínez Corcuera (UVic-UCC); Miquel Pujol Tubau (UVic-UCC); Toni Sellas Güell (UVic-UCC) and Sergi Solà Saña (UVic-UCC).


Coordinating committee

Mireia Canals-Botines (UVic-UCC); Núria Medina-Casanovas (UVic-UCC); Núria Camps-Casals (UVic-UCC)


Scientific committee

Núria Arimany Serrat (UVic-UCC); Laia Briones Buixassa (UVic-UCC); Núria Camps-Casals (UVic-UCC); Mireia Canals-Botines (UVic-UCC); Jordi Chumillas Coromina (UVic-UCC); Llorenç Comajoan Colomé (UVic-UCC); Gemma Delgar Farrés (UVic-UCC); Eva Espasa Borràs (UVic-UCC); Pilar Godayol Nogué (UVic-UCC) and Núria Medina-Casanovas (UVic-UCC).


Important dates

  • Presentation of abstracts: September the 30th 2023
  • Notification of acceptance: October the 15th 2023
  • Registration (free but compulsory): July the 16th – November the 15th 2023