The anomalous diffusion challenge

The Anomalous Diffusion (AnDi) challenge  aims at assessing the performance of published and unpublished methods for characterizing anomalous diffusion from single trajectories. 

The organization of the challenge was triggered by the appearance of several articles describing methods to assess anomalous exponents and aims at bringing together a vibrating and multidisciplinary community of scientists around this problem.

The challenge is now open! Register here to participate.


The AnDi challenge is based on three main competition modalities:

  • Inference of the anomalous exponent.
  • Classification of the underlying model.
  • Segmentation of trajectories switching between diffusion modes.

Each problem will further include sub-modalities for the different number of dimensions, different noise and/or nonuniform sampling.

Details for the participation and benchmarking datasets will be made available soon.
