From June 14-17h members of Mecamat Group have led a micro-XRD experiment at ALBA Synchrotron.

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The objective is to determine the crystalline phases developed in ancient Lead frits and replicas. Small beam size is required as typical crystallites size range between a 10 to 50 μm. A mono-crystal like analysis has been performed in order to solve the crystal structure for single crystals. This experiment will help to understand the pigment ore processing and the method of production using frits.

The MSPD (BL04) is an excellent beamline that suits the requirements for this study: high brilliance, 30keV energy X-rays, transmission geometry, small spot size (15×15μm) and online visualization system of the sample.


Project: 2019-I BL04 2018092994

PI: Judit Molera (UVIC-UCC)








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