Call 2024-2025

Call 2023-2024



Here you can find the interview with two undergraduate students who are members of the M3O. In the interview they talk about what caught their attention to apply for the call, how they felt within the group and whether they recommend it to other students.

Video of Montse

Video of Pol

Encourage yourself to be part of the group by doing the TFG with us! 


Are you curious about scientific research? Do you want to become a researcher?

We are committed on the task of promoting research among degree students of UVic – UCC and integrate them into our research group. In order to do so we offer different opportunities, from collaborating in our projects, tutoring final degree or master’s thesis (TFG’s or TFM’s), participating on meetings, etc. We are confident that this will mean the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship between the student and the research group.

Currently several undergraduate students are collaborating with the group, by extracurricular practice or through their TFG’s. We also open calls to join our group as a fellow through a scholarship.

If you are interested check out the opportunities we publish in our web. If you have ideas for your TFG or TFM on topics related on our research lines or projects we are developing, contact us and we can help you to develop it!


If you are an UVic – UCC degree student and you are interested in being a M3O research fellow, check the information left below.








