The eating habits of people with severe mental disorders tend to move away from the healthy Mediterranean model, the factors that influence these eating behaviors being diverse and multi-causal. Different national and international health organizations defend the adoption of healthy eating behaviors as a tool for the promotion of health, well-being and the prevention of non-communicable diseases.

The Dietment program has been developed at Osonament, a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the integral development of the person and the improvement of their quality of life, through activities and services in the health, social, labor and community, specialized in the prevention and care of mental health and addictions in the municipalities of Osona.

The main objective of the research focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of a food education program based on the empowerment of people with severe mental disorder for the promotion of fruit and vegetable consumption, by means of a experimental study with a mixed design, which combines qualitative and quantitative methodology.

This project is part of Mireia Vilamala-Orra  doctoral thesis, linked to the Industrial Doctorate program between Osonament and UVic-UCC, directed by Dra. Cristina Vaqué and Dr. Ruben del Rio.