La revista International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism acaba de publicar l’article de F. X. Vila, J. Ubalde, V. Bretxa i L. Comajoan titulat Changes in language use with peers during adolescence: a longitudinal study in Catalonia.  A l’article s’explora a partir d’una mostra de més de 1.000 informants, fins a quin punt és cert que l’alumnat de Catalunya abandona el català en el període que va des de finals de primària fins al final de l’ESO. A continuació en podeu llegir el resum:

This article presents a longitudinal panel study analyzing the evolution of a sample of more than 1000 informants in the language practices with peers during the period between the end of primary education and the end of secondary education in Catalonia. Results led to the identification of five clusters of informants according to their linguistic trajectories. Three of them, which together accounted for 75% of all informants, combined the strong predominance of a single language —respectively Catalan, Castilian, and other languages— and a remarkable stability in patterns of language choice during the five years’ period under scrutiny. The other 25% of informants, grouped in two different clusters, declared more bilingual/multilingual behavior and underwent more significant changes that may be related to linguistic mudes (Pujolar &  Gonzàlez, 2013). The study also explores the relevance of the transition between primary and secondary education as a social moment favorable for linguistic mudes and concludes thata small but still significant percentage of informants went through such changes in that transition.

Aquest article forma part dels projecte FFI2016-75416-P (MICINN) i Recercaixa 2014.





És un estudi que forma part d’un projecte Recercaixa Podeu descarregar-ne un exemplar en pdf gratuïtament fins que s’arribi al topall marcat per l’editorial. I d’afegitó, si us afanyeu, també podeu descarregar l’article del 2016 on vam explorar l’evolució de la confiança lingüística de la mateixa mostra d’adolescents: Changes in the linguistic confidence of primary and secondary students in Catalonia: a longitudinal study