Author Archives: sarahkhan


Posted by 11 de January de 2019
[:en]ASSEMID is a government-funded project headed by David Block and Guzman Mancho Barés form the University of Lleida (UdL). Its full title is “Towards an empirical assessment of the impact of English-medium instruction (EMI) at university: language learning, disciplinary knowledge and academic identities”. GRAC is taking part in this project, through the collaboration of one of its members, Sarah Khan. It may be of interest to those working or studying in the areas of EMI, CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and ESP (English for Specific Purposes).

ASSEMID has been running since late 2016 and has been collecting and analyzing data in EMI and ESP settings at UdL and UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). It aims to 1) examine how learners’ English levels affect their learning of disciplinary content 2) find out what lecturers and students need to effectively communicate in English and 3) trace the development of the emerging English language identities of lecturers and students in terms of their membership in CoPs (Communities of Practice).

One unique characteristic of this project, compared to other EMI studies, is the extensive range of data-collection instruments employed, which has included classroom observation, exams and assignments, audiologs and written logs, interviews, learning diaries, pre- and post-tests and questionnaires. Another distinguishing quality is that data has been collected over an extended period of time (6-20 class sessions).
All in all, ASSEMID have amassed an incredibly rich source of data, so watch out for ASSEMID members in upcoming conferences and publications. You will get a glimpse of the emerging project results and, certainly, a better understanding of teaching, learning and doing research in EMI.
The ASSEMID team: David Block, Guzman Mancho Barés, Elisabet Arnó, Marta Aguilar, Maria Sabaté, Sarah Khan, Dietmar Tatzl, Montserrat Irun, Balbina Moncada and Víctor Corona.

Find more ASSEMID news on:

 [:ca]ASSEMID is a government-funded project headed by David Block and Guzman Mancho Barés form the University of Lleida (UdL). Its full title is “Towards an empirical assessment of the impact of English-medium instruction (EMI) at university: language learning, disciplinary knowledge and academic identities”. GRAC is taking part in this project, through the collaboration of one of its members, Sarah Khan. It may be of interest to those working or studying in the areas of EMI, CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and ESP (English for Specific Purposes).

ASSEMID has been running since late 2016 and has been collecting and analyzing data in EMI and ESP settings at UdL and UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). It aims to 1) examine how learners’ English levels affect their learning of disciplinary content 2) find out what lecturers and students need to effectively communicate in English and 3) trace the development of the emerging English language identities of lecturers and students in terms of their membership in CoPs (Communities of Practice).

One unique characteristic of this project, compared to other EMI studies, is the extensive range of data-collection instruments employed, which has included classroom observation, exams and assignments, audiologs and written logs, interviews, learning diaries, pre- and post-tests and questionnaires. Another distinguishing quality is that data has been collected over an extended period of time (6-20 class sessions).
All in all, ASSEMID have amassed an incredibly rich source of data, so watch out for ASSEMID members in upcoming conferences and publications. You will get a glimpse of the emerging project results and, certainly, a better understanding of teaching, learning and doing research in EMI.
The ASSEMID team: David Block, Guzman Mancho Barés, Elisabet Arnó, Marta Aguilar, Maria Sabaté, Sarah Khan, Dietmar Tatzl, Montserrat Irun, Balbina Moncada and Víctor Corona.

Find more ASSEMID news on:

 [:es]ASSEMID is a government-funded project headed by David Block and Guzman Mancho Barés form the University of Lleida (UdL). Its full title is “Towards an empirical assessment of the impact of English-medium instruction (EMI) at university: language learning, disciplinary knowledge and academic identities”. GRAC is taking part in this project, through the collaboration of one of its members, Sarah Khan. It may be of interest to those working or studying in the areas of EMI, CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and ESP (English for Specific Purposes).

ASSEMID has been running since late 2016 and has been collecting and analyzing data in EMI and ESP settings at UdL and UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). It aims to 1) examine how learners’ English levels affect their learning of disciplinary content 2) find out what lecturers and students need to effectively communicate in English and 3) trace the development of the emerging English language identities of lecturers and students in terms of their membership in CoPs (Communities of Practice).

One unique characteristic of this project, compared to other EMI studies, is the extensive range of data-collection instruments employed, which has included classroom observation, exams and assignments, audiologs and written logs, interviews, learning diaries, pre- and post-tests and questionnaires. Another distinguishing quality is that data has been collected over an extended period of time (6-20 class sessions).
All in all, ASSEMID have amassed an incredibly rich source of data, so watch out for ASSEMID members in upcoming conferences and publications. You will get a glimpse of the emerging project results and, certainly, a better understanding of teaching, learning and doing research in EMI.
The ASSEMID team: David Block, Guzman Mancho Barés, Elisabet Arnó, Marta Aguilar, Maria Sabaté, Sarah Khan, Dietmar Tatzl, Montserrat Irun, Balbina Moncada and Víctor Corona.

Find more ASSEMID news on:


[:en]Bern Fachhochshule research visit[:]

Posted by 16 de December de 2016
[:en]Dr Àngels Pinyana from the GRAC research group at UVic-UCC spent a week in Bern this November as a scientific collaborator for the research project Developing Quality Parameters for International Profiles in Universities of Applied Sciences which is coordinated by the Research Unit Language Competence and Knowledge Development at ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences).
Dr Pinyana’s visit involved data collection through intensive classroom observations and interviews with lecturers and students in an EMI (English-medium instruction) context on the Degree in Business Administration at Bern Fachhochschule. Dr Pinyana is part of a team who are testing the use of a series of pedagogical and language parameters in university lectures taught in English. The aim of this project is to compile a practical checklist which may be used to assess the quality of future international programmes taught in English, as well as furthering our knowledge of lecturers and students’ experiences, classroom dynamics and language learning in these settings.

[:ca]Dr Àngels Pinyana from the GRAC research group at UVic-UCC spent a week in Bern this November as a scientific collaborator for the research project Developing Quality Parameters for International Profiles in Universities of Applied Sciences which is coordinated by the Research Unit Language Competence and Knowledge Development at ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences).
Dr Pinyana’s visit involved data collection through intensive classroom observations and interviews with lecturers and students in an EMI (English-medium instruction) context on the Degree in Business Administration at Bern Fachhochschule. Dr Pinyana is part of a team who are testing the use of a series of pedagogical and language parameters in university lectures taught in English. The aim of this project is to compile a practical checklist which may be used to assess the quality of future international programmes taught in English, as well as furthering our knowledge of lecturers and students’ experiences, classroom dynamics and language learning in these settings.

[:es]Dr Àngels Pinyana from the GRAC research group at UVic-UCC spent a week in Bern this November as a scientific collaborator for the research project Developing Quality Parameters for International Profiles in Universities of Applied Sciences which is coordinated by the Research Unit Language Competence and Knowledge Development at ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences).
Dr Pinyana’s visit involved data collection through intensive classroom observations and interviews with lecturers and students in an EMI (English-medium instruction) context on the Degree in Business Administration at Bern Fachhochschule. Dr Pinyana is part of a team who are testing the use of a series of pedagogical and language parameters in university lectures taught in English. The aim of this project is to compile a practical checklist which may be used to assess the quality of future international programmes taught in English, as well as furthering our knowledge of lecturers and students’ experiences, classroom dynamics and language learning in these settings.


[:en]Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig in Barcelona[:]

Posted by 30 de June de 2016
[:en]Members of the GRELL and GRAC research groups attended a talk by the SLA researcher, Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig from Indiana University. The talk was entitled “Unconventional expressions: Productive syntax in the L2 acquisition of formulaic language” and was held on 11th May 2016 at 5pm at UB in Barcelona. The talk was organised by UVic-UCC’s Dr Llorenç Comajoan (GRELL), who had worked with Dr Bardovi-Harlig in Indiana during his early career and Dr Carmen Muñoz (UB).

Dr Bardovi-Harlig’s research on second language grammar and pragmatics includes an investigation on conventional expressions, such as “Nice to meet you,” “(I’m) sorry I’m late,” “I’m just looking,” and “I gotta go.” Her results show that learners display interlanguage syntax which contradicts claims that formulaic expressions are memorised in L2, eventually leading to targetlike grammar use (Ellis, 2003, 2012; Eskildsen & Cadierno, 2007; Myles, 2004; Wray, 2008). Bardovi-Harlig’s conclusions are supported by her data containing several interlanguage forms and she suggests that learners’ expressions are based primarily on lexis and are driven by pragmatics.

Of particular interest in this talk was the data collection method used in the study. A total of 314 learners participated resulting in an oral dataset of 5500 tokens. Confounding variables such as proficiency and exposure to English were accounted for and preliminary piloting of the elicitation tasks was very carefully conducted in order to uncover the interlanguage forms learners employed.IMG_20160511_183327[:]

[:en]34 Congrés Internacional AESLA[:ca]34 Congrés Internacional AESLA[:]

Posted by 15 de April de 2016
[:en]Investigadors de la UVic-UCC del GRELL (Grup de Recerca en Educació Llenguatge i Literatura) i GRAC (Grup de Recerca en Aprenentatge i Comunicació) presenten els resultats del Projecte Armif ‘Els efectes de l’enfocament AICLE sobre la competència lingüística de l’alumnat universitari de la doble titulació MEP-MEI de la UVic-UCC’ al XXXIV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA) celebrat del 14 al 16 d’abril de 2016 a la Universitat d’Alacant. Enguany, el títol del congrés és “El discurso profesional y académico: una perspectiva interdisciplinar”.

El projecte, dirigit per la Dra Anna Vallbona de la FETCH, presenta resultats sobre la competència escrita i oral en llengua estrangera (anglès) d’estudiants del doble grau de Mestre en Educació Infantil i Educació Primària amb Menció en Llengua Anglesa amb aquestes dues comunicacions:

Dijous 14 d’abril
Enseñanza de lenguas y diseño curricular/Language teaching

The effect of CLIL on the development of English oral proficiency: the case of a double degree teacher training programme
Sarah Khan, Lucrecia Keim, Anna Vallbona, Àngels Pinyana, i Angel Raluy

Divendres 15 d’abril
Adquisición y aprendizaje/Language acquisition

The effect of EMI on the development of written English language skills in university settings: the case of the double degree teacher training programme at the UVic-UCC.
Anna Vallbona, Sarah Khan, Lucrecia Keim, Angels Pinyana i Angel Raluy.
[:ca]Investigadors de la UVic-UCC del GRELL (Grup de Recerca en Educació Llenguatge i Literatura) i GRAC (Grup de Recerca en Aprenentatge i Comunicació) presentaran els resultats del Projecte Armif ‘Els efectes de l’enfocament AICLE sobre la competència lingüística de l’alumnat universitari de la doble titulació MEP-MEI de la UVic-UCC’ al XXXIV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA) que se celebra del 14 al 16 d’abril de 2016 a la Universitat d’Alacant. Enguany, el títol del congrés és “El discurso profesional y académico: una perspectiva interdisciplinar”.

El projecte, dirigida per la Dra Anna Vallbona de la FETCH, presentarà resultats sobre la competència escrita i oral en llengua estrangera (anglès) d’estudiants del doble grau de Mestre en Educació Infantil i Educació Primària amb Menció en Llengua Anglesa amb aquestes dues comunicacions:

Dijous 14 d’abril
Enseñanza de lenguas y diseño curricular/Language teaching

The effect of CLIL on the development of English oral proficiency: the case of a double degree teacher training programme
Sarah Khan, Lucrecia Keim, Anna Vallbona, Àngels Pinyana, i Angel Raluy

Divendres 15 d’abril
Adquisición y aprendizaje/Language acquisition

The effect of EMI on the development of written English language skills in university settings: the case of the double degree teacher training programme at the UVic-UCC.
Anna Vallbona, Sarah Khan, Lucrecia Keim, Angels Pinyana i Angel Raluy.
[:es]Investigadors de la UVic-UCC del GRELL (Grup de Recerca en Educació Llenguatge i Literatura) i GRAC (Grup de Recerca en Aprenentatge i Comunicació) presenten els resultats del Projecte Armif ‘Els efectes de l’enfocament AICLE sobre la competència lingüística de l’alumnat universitari de la doble titulació MEP-MEI de la UVic-UCC’ al XXXIV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA) celebrat del 14 al 16 d’abril de 2016 a la Universitat d’Alacant. Enguany, el títol del congrés és “El discurso profesional y académico: una perspectiva interdisciplinar”.

El projecte, dirigit per la Dra Anna Vallbona de la FETCH, presenta resultats sobre la competència escrita i oral en llengua estrangera (anglès) d’estudiants del doble grau de Mestre en Educació Infantil i Educació Primària amb Menció en Llengua Anglesa amb aquestes dues comunicacions:

Dijous 14 d’abril
Enseñanza de lenguas y diseño curricular/Language teaching

The effect of CLIL on the development of English oral proficiency: the case of a double degree teacher training programme
Sarah Khan, Lucrecia Keim, Anna Vallbona, Àngels Pinyana, i Angel Raluy

Divendres 15 d’abril
Adquisición y aprendizaje/Language acquisition

The effect of EMI on the development of written English language skills in university settings: the case of the double degree teacher training programme at the UVic-UCC.
Anna Vallbona, Sarah Khan, Lucrecia Keim, Angels Pinyana i Angel Raluy.

Quality Parameters in International Profiles in Higher Education

Posted by 1 de April de 2016

The GRAC research group at UVic-UCC was invited to participate in a network meeting called ‘Quality Parameters in International Profiles in Higher Education’. Àngels Pinyana and Sarah Khan represented GRAC at the meetings in Winterthur, Switzerland on 31st March and 1st April.

The meeting in Winterthur was the first of several planned meetings between 2015-2017 to coordinate a joint inter-university project headed by ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences) and BFH (Bern University of Applied Sciences), “Developing Quality Management Parameters for International Profiles in Universities of Applied Sciences”, which is funded by SERI (Swiss Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation).

This cross-disciplinary project will be headed by a core team of expert advisors in higher education in the fields of International Relations, Quality Management and Applied Linguistics from UVic-UCC, University of Padua and universities of applied sciences from Zurich, Bern, Graz, Munich and Freiburg.

The core team will develop Quality Management Parameters which may be applied across universities and cultural contexts and build up an international network to actively implement sustainable Quality Management Parameters in the future. The final aim of the project is to develop strategic partnerships in order to submit a proposal for an Erasmus Key Action 2+ Mobility Programme in 2017.
