L’estudiant de Doble Grau MEI-MEP, Adriana Vidal, està realitzant una mobilitat internacional estudi a la Mount Royal University (Canadà), concretament a la Faculty of Continuing Education and Extension.

Aquí us compartim l’escrit i les imatges que l’Adriana ens ha fet arribar explicant la seva experiència i animant a tots els estudiants a realitzar una mobilitat internacional.

“When you start a new journey by yourself, you set high expectations for what is about to come, but at the same time, you are scared of the unknown. This year abroad has taught me to face different challenges by myself, in a foreign country and, in a different language. It has helped me grow, both in a personal and academic way, and learn.Mount Royal University has also helped me a lot during this process, and I think it’s a perfect pick to study because they have a lot of options and opportunities that allow students from around the world to feel welcome and not left out.

I highly recommend doing an international mobility for a year because you get to experience a lot of different things, you can meet a lot of people from around the world, travel, learn a new language, new cultures, new places… I think this experience is a must be for everyone.This year I have made lifetime friendships, and I will enjoy the last two months I have left with them.
I am so grateful to my parents for this experience, and I hope everyone can enjoy this enriching adventure!”

Des del Blog de la FETEP agraïm a l’Adriana que hagi compartit amb nosaltres la seva experiència i li desitgem que continuïi gaudint d’una estada plena d’aprenentatges i de bones experiències. També aprofitem per felicitar-la pel reconeixement obtingut en aquella universitat pel seu bon resultat acadèmic i pel qual ha rebut una felicitació de la Mount Royal University que podem veure en una de les imatges.

Enhorabona, Adriana!

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