On 11 November 2019, Solent Uni- versity welcomed a group from the University of Vic in Catalo- nia, Spain. This marked the first day of their International Week!

A group of 12 students, studying jour- nalism, marketing and business, visited Southampton for one week. On day 1 they were welcomed by Solent Univer- sity, Solent Works, See Southampton Tour Guides and Councillor Satvir Kaur!
Katie Santos, from SeeSouthampton, organised a grand tour of Southampton, where the students had the opportunity to walk through the renowned city parks, admire two Norman buildings, go over the medieval walls and inside the wine vaults. As the sun came down, and the autumnal wind picked up, the group was welcomed into the Dolphin Hotel, where an afternoon tea was served. AND there was more…

As the students tucked in their scones, clotted cream and strawberry
jam, Councillor Satvir Kaur (Cabinet Member for Homes and Culture) joined in for an informal discussion. The stu- dents from Barcelona were thrilled to meet a Cabinet Member, and to ask questions about local tourism, market- ing, its maritime heritage and the in- dustry of the cruise liners. This really helped them with their assignment! And Cllr Kaur (below in the dark jumper next to me in the red jumper) took the opportunity to ask the opinion of these young foreign students on spe- cific matters, such as: street signage, maps, Apps, lack of translated informa- tion and lack of tourism office.

Needless to say there was plenty to compare between these two busy port cities!
Both cities have had to consider the impact that hundreds of cruise liners have on the city every year. Who are these passengers (their nationality, age group and interests)? Do they stay for a couple of hours or a day? What do they spend their money on?

In general, who are the visitors in these cities (who arrive by land, sea and air)? Does the city of Barcelona rely on visitors who stay for a short city break or a week, whilst Southampton has been historically seen as a “gate- way” for many who are passing by? In all, these enthusiastic students had a fun day packed with British cul- ture, history, heritage, gastronomy and local affairs. Hurrah for these inter- national weeks and exchange pro- grammes at Solent University, as investing in education, languages, and overseas links can only benefit this international city.


Article publicat a la revista de Southampton sobre la visita dels nostres estudiants de l’Open Mind Programme