The key of being successful in a world full of journalists is believing in your essence
Andrés Corpas is a journalist who has dreamt about being a cultural journalist since he was little. After a few years working, he realized sport journalism was his best shot, even if he loved cultural news too. He started writing sports for El Mundo and after working twenty years as a journalist he realized that the key to being a successful journalist is to do things that other journalists do not write or say.
“I prefer to explain the pain to the people”
He has written several articles trying to involve himself with the story, that way you can make a different story out of it. “I prefer to explain the pain to the people”, he adds while reassuring that a journalist can always know more information than what you think you already know. Furthermore, he explains to the class that from the same idea you can take different angles and make it more interesting in other ways. Also, Corpas tried to show how walking in the other person’s shoes helps to write and understand more of reality. Moreover, he explains himself by saying “you need to go inside the athlete”. For instance, as he did with Mireia del Monte or when he tried to put himself in the situation of being a professional swimmer and being afraid of the swimming pool because of an injury. After channeling that pain, he was able to write through the pain of the swimmer and create a beautiful article.
Three books and the fourth soon
Not only has he written articles, he has also written three books and is planning on completing his fourth soon. Las damas del agua was his first book published nine years ago. With self-satisfaction he explained that the book was really hard to put together because of the struggle was at the time to come up with a book for sports and women. His second is named Vicky Losada and then he has a short story about penalties. After all his hard work he has learned that believing in yourself and having a one of a kind style is gonna lead you to a comfortable work space, but, always be aware of not making yourself the main actor, regulate your ego, have clear ideas and always communicate through others with respect. He made sure we understand that our style is our presentation card and we should never stop studying or reading.
By the end, he shared his last report written about Marco Sena, Capdevila and their work experience of ten years. Nowadays, Andrés Corpas is working in marketing development for a sports company.
*Aquest article ha estat escrit per Martina Junyent, estudiant de segon curs del grau en Periodisme, en el marc de l’assignatura Spoken English for Journalism.