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OsoNaH Seminar.Multidisciplinary,biopsychosocial approach in nursing homes

Divendres, 14 maig 2021 a les 14:30 - 16:00

OSONAHPROJECTThis seminar is intended as a scientific seminar of the OsoNaH project. It will present the results while having the participation of experts in the field to generate a comprehensive presentation of the knowledge of each subject, as well as new opportunities for building projects with other national and international research groups.

The main objective of the OsoNaH project is to study the prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI) and its associated factors in nursing home (NH) residents in Barcelona (Spain), as well as analyse the association between UI (and their types) with sedentary behaviour. It is a multidisciplinary project that assesses health and analyses other geriatric syndromes that often affect institutionalized older people, such as nutritional status, falls, cognitive impairment, physical activity, loneliness, among others.

The seminar is fully online,  the 13th and 14th of May, from 9 am to 13 pm and 14.30pm to 16pm.

There will be communications, conferences, project hubs for networking, and online exhibitions of posters.

The seminar is free but registration is mandatory. Do not hesitate, and sign up no


Es tracta d’un seminari online, amb un enfoc multidisciplinar, sobre salut en gent gran,  on tindrem la participació de ponents nacionals i internacionals de prestigi i la llengua d’ús serà l’anglès. Serà una bona oportunitat per aprendre més sobre les noves tendències i fer “networking” per futurs projectes, a banda de divulgar el projecte OsoNaH.



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Divendres, 14 maig 2021
14:30 - 16:00
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