As part of the University system, our interest embrace teaching in several areas. We have coordinated or participated in the teaching of a number of undergraduate and graduate level courses in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at the University Pompeu Fabra until May 2012 and in the Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering at the UVic-UCC afterwards, as well as have had an active role in external courses in a number of places.
For scientific conferences and presentations, go here.
Undergrad teaching
- Química (Grau en Enginyeria de l’Automoció, 1st course, UVic-UCC; 2017-2018, 2024-2025)
- Maths:
- Matemàtiques (Llicenciatura en Biologia, 1st course, UPF; 2001-2008): Introduction to algebra, calculus and differential equations, theory and practice.
- Matemàtiques (Graus de Biosciencies, 1st course, UVic-UCC; 2024-): Discrete and Continuous mathematical models in biology.
- Matemàtiques (Grau en Aplicacions Multimèdia i Videojocs, 1st course, UVic-UCC; 2021-2024): Introduction to algebra, physical functions, proportion, symmetry, fractals.
- Matemàtiques I (Grau en Enginyeria Mecatrònica, 1st course, UVic-UCC; 2021-): Differential calculus, Integral calculus, Vector analysis.
- Data Analysis for AI (Study Abroad Engineering students, UVic-UCC; 2023-2024): Supervised/Unsupervised Learning, Regression, Regularization and Kernels, Classification, Decision trees, Deep learning.
- Optimization and operations research (Study Abroad Engineering students, UVic-UCC; 2021-): linear and non-linear optimization; simplex, duality, network and integer programming optimization.
- Proteins:
- Biologia Estructural (Llicenciatura en Biologia, 4th course, UPF; course 2001-2012): Molecular simulations, theory and practice.
- Usant MOLARIS per entendre Reactivitat Enzimàtica (in catalan)
- Molecular simulations, 2010, 2011
- Usant PyDock per predir modes d’interacció de dues cadenes peptídiques, June 2010 (in catalan)
- Biomolecular interactions (Degree in Biomedicine, 3nd course, UIC Barcelona, 2019-2021).
- Protein and genetic engineering (along with Martin Floor) (Degree in Bioengineering, 3nd course, UIC Barcelona, 2019-2021)
- Química i Enginyeria de Proteïnes (along with Montserrat Fàbrega)
- Biologia Estructural (Llicenciatura en Biologia, 4th course, UPF; course 2001-2012): Molecular simulations, theory and practice.
- Bioinformatics:
- Introduction to Bioinformatics (Degree in Biomedicine, 2nd course, UIC Barcelona, 2019-2021). Practical tools.
- Advanced Bioinformatics (Degree in Biotecnology, 3rd course, UVic-UCC, 2017-2018)
Graduate teaching
From course 2004 to 2009, JVF coordinated the MSc on Bioinformatics for Health Sciences, a joint effort between the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Universitat de Barcelona, which provides a joint title along with the Università di Bologna. Check the Linkedin group for the master. During this period, the course taught or coordinated by members of the lab were:
- Mathematics (MAT):Introduction to calculus, algebra, differential equations and probability
- Computational Systems Biology (CSB): Until the course 2008-2009, members of the lab participated in the teaching of gene regulatory networks modelling with ByoDyn
- Introduction to Python (PYT): Development of small to large projects in Python (see the projects page for details)
- Design and Management of Research Projects (PRO): This course aims at providing researchers with some basic knowledge about project management, with specific emphasis on proper design and implementation of research projects. Additionally, due attention is given to aspects related to the use of research results after the project is finished, as a key topic for ensuring long-term financing and expansion of the researchers’ career.
- Molecular Simulations (MSI): Concept of potential energy surface, Monte Carlo, Molecular dynamics, free energy simulations. Theory and Practice
- Introduction to biomedicine (IBM)
Other courses
- Bioinformatics Laurea Specialistica, Università di Bologna, Italy (February 2008): One week course on Molecular simulations
- Curso de postgrado en modelado molecular, Universidad de Tucumán, Argentina (November 2008): One week course on Molecular Simulations
- Curso de simulaciones moleculares, Universidad de Concepción, Chile (January 2010): One week course on Molecular Simulations
- Curso de Simulaciones moleculares, Universidad de Chile y Universidad de Santiago de Chile, (January 2011):One week course on Molecular Simulations
- Emprenedoria per a científics, Postgrau Gestió i Dinamització de la Innovació a l’Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, (December 2011): session on scientific entrepreneurship