Workshop of the Interuniversity PhD Program in Bioinformatics

Vic. February 3rd 2023

The interuniversity Docorate Programme in Bioinformatics is an official program jointly organized by the Universitat Atònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Universitat de Girona (UdG), the Universitat de Lleida (UdL), the Universitat Obert de Catalunya (UOC), the Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC), the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) with the participation of the Bioinformatics Barcelona Association (BIB).Each year, the main activity for the PhD training consists in a workshop to present the current status of the different PhD projects to develop networking among the participants and their research competences.


This year, the annual workshop is held in Vic, a beatiful historical and cultural landmark city in the center of Catalunya.


Follow us at #phdbioinfo2023



Book of abstracts

When Who What
9:15 Opening: Xavier Daura (UAB, Coordinator of the Interuniversity PhD program) and Antoni Tort (Director of the PhD school, UVic-UCC), Jordi Villà-Freixa (UVic-UCC)
Session A. Chair: Beatriz López
9:30 Mar Albà (IMIM/ICREA) Invited talk: “Uncovering the small proteome”
10:15 Miquel Estévez Gay (UdG) Computational Exploration and Design of new Halohydrin Dehalogenase variants
10:35 Guillem Vila Julià (UPC) Allosterism in Bak: Sheding the Light in the Regulation of Apoptosis
10:55 Coffee break and poster session S1/S2
Session B. Chair: Rui Alves
11:50 Gülnur Ungan (UAB) MRSI-detected pattern in glioblastoma patients one month after concomitant chemoradiotherapy
12:10 Oriol Basallo Clariana (UdL) Changing terpenoid biosynthesis in rice through synthetic biology
12:30 Marcos Lacasa Cazcarra (UOC) The use of oxygen consumption in the CPET test as a biomarker in chronic fatigue syndrome patients
12:50 Ariadna Acedo (UVic-UCC) Role of RNA-seq Preprocessing Steps In Molecular Subtype Classification In Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer
13:10 Lunch time
Session C. Chair: Sergio Gómez
14:30 Mónica Cabrera Pasadas (UPC) p53 as a master regulator of the chromatin organization
14:50 Rubén G. Barriada (UOC) Deep-learning-based Methods for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment with Retinal Images
15:10 Coffee break and poster session S3/S4
16:10 Laura Tiesler (UAB) Detection of heme binding sites for the design of artificial hemoenzymes
16:30 María Ortiz (BMS) Invited talk: Disease Strategy for Translational
Medicine (case study on Multiple Myeloma)
17:15 Best-poster announcement and closing

Participating universities


in collaboration with





The workshop will take place at the Aula Magna, UVic-UCC, at the UVic Torre dels Frares building.


Registration and Submissions


Submissions are handled from the PhD program moodle site at the coordinating institution, UAB.

Registrations to attend the workshop are collected through this form.


Organized by


The organizing committee is composed by the members of the academic comission of the PhD program:


  1. Xavier Daura, coordinator of the PhD program, UAB
  2. Alexandre Sànchez, UB
  3. Beatriz López, UdG
  4. Rui Alves, UdL
  5. Jordi Villà-Freixa, UVic-UCC
  6. Ferran Prados, UOC
  7. Alexandre Perera, UPC
  8. Sergio Gómez, URV


The secretariat is composed by:


  1. Jordi Villà-Freixa, UVic-UCC
  2. Àlex Sánchez, UB
  3. Nayanika Das, UVic-UCC
  4. Meritxell Pujolassos, UVic-UCC
  5. Jing Yang, UVic-UCC
  6. Yolanda Tristancho, UVic-UCC


Supported by

The event is supported by

with the collaboration of




Facultat de Ciències, Tecnologia i Enginyeries, 
Edifici Torre dels Frares
C/ Laura, 13
08500 Vic
Barcelona (SPAIN)
Tel: +34 93 881 55 19