We are happy to share some news received from the EP

Dear friends,

We are very pleased to inform you that the European Parliament voted the resolution on “violation of the rights of indigenous peoples in the world, including land grabbing” (03/07/18), with 534 for / 73 against / 71 absentions !!!

Please find the link to the documents (the consolidated final text will be published in all EU languages in a few days):



The European Parliament has included the majority of your recommendations from June 2016, notably by recommending:

  • to support IP’s requests for international repatriation and the establishment of an international mechanism to fight the sale of indigenous artefacts taken from them illegally;
  • to Member States to comply with their obligation to protect and promote IPs’ languages and to ensure that these peoples fully enjoy their cultural rights.

In addition, the EP requests the nomination of a standing rapporteur on IP’s issues among Members of the EP, whose mandate would be to mainstream the respect of IP’s rights.

This process will take some time but we will keep you regularly inform of the progress.

Finally, please find the (beautiful !!) concluding declaration of the Rapporteur (Mr. Assis): http://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/EN/vod.html?mode=unit&vodLanguage=EN&vodId=1530552699984#

We wish you great day and hope to see you at the EMRIP!


Mathias & Amalia