Graduated with a degree in Environmental Sciences from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and agroecological local dynamizer. She has developed some ambiental education, ecological agriculture and agroecological projects as a membre of the Xarxa d’Horts Comunitaris de Barcelona, a network of diferent urban gardens in the city, and as a technical, on social and school gardens from western neighborhoods of Reus. She collaborated with the Revista Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas working in the Anuari de la Sobirania Alimentària dels Països Catalans 2017-2018, comparing food policies and critical journalism. She currently works as a shelter guard and facilitator in the Priorat, at the foot of the Serra de Montsant.

In terms of research, she has investigated, in the framework of alternative consumer networks, the possibilities on the implementation of public policies to encourage the creation on a farmers market in Reus. And currently, she is working on diferent research projects related, on the one hand, to the viability of olive oil production farms in the Terres de Ponent and, on the other hand, to the agroecological potential of the region of Osona through the analysis of streategies aimed at the agroecological transition, both form the dimension of production and that of consumption.

Environmental Science, Agroecological Local Dynamization, Alternative Agri-food Systems, Rural Development, Ecofeminism, Sostenibility, Biodiversity, Food Sovereignty