This event, jointly organized by B·Debate–Biocat and IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Center, in collaboration with the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia, has as a main goal to generate a forum for an interdisciplinary and international debate, that will bring together renowned experts from different disciplines currently investigating the microbiome.
The human microbiome is essential for human health and body functioning. In recent times we have started to elucidate the enormous scientific and therapeutic potential of the human microbiome in almost all medical fields.
At The Barcelona Debates on the Human Microbiome – From Microbes to Medicines, we will have the unique opportunity to know first-hand the latest research findings of microbiome studies applied in areas such as prenatal and childhood stages, cancer, HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, metabolic function and obesity. It will also offer panel sessions for discussion of the latest probiotics and fecal transplants innovations, as well as drugs’ incidence and diet as key factors for a healthy microbiome.
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