Busquem persones interessades a fer la tesi doctoral en el Grup d’Ecologia Aquàtica ( de la UVic-UCC en el marc dels següents projectes:
- SizeEcoFun: Size-based approaches to understand impacts on river ecosystem functioning.
- Ecosystem dynamics of Lake Myvatn, Iceland. High-amplitude fluctuations of the whole community.
- Fate of microplastics in freshwater waterbodies. Impacts and interactions with the planktonic community.
Les persones candidates hauran d’optar a finançament de contractes pre-doc i per tant és necessari:
- Grau en Biologia o Ciències Ambientals i màster afins.
- Motivació i ganes de desenvolupar una tesi doctoral en el marc dels projecte descrits.
- Bon expedient acadèmic.
Les persones interessades han d’enviar el seu CV a: i
Buscamos personas interesadas en hacer la tesis doctoral en el Grupo de Ecología Acuática ( de la UVic-UCC en el marco de los siguientes proyectos:
- SizeEcoFun: Size-based approaches to understand impacts on river ecosystem functioning.
- Ecosystem dynamics of Lake Myvatn, Iceland. High-amplitude fluctuations of the whole community.
- Fate of microplastics in freshwater waterbodies. Impacts and interactions with the planktonic community.
Las personas candidatas deberán optar a financiación de contratos pre-doc y por lo tanto es necesario:
- Grado en Biología o Ciencias Ambientales y máster afines.
- Motivación y ganas de desarrollar una tesis doctoral en el marco de los proyectos descritos.
- Buen expediente académico.
Las personas interesadas deben enviar su CV a: y
We are looking for PhD candidates to work on different projects of our Group of Aquatic Ecology (
- SizeEcoFun: Size-based approaches to understand impacts on river ecosystem functioning.
- Ecosystem dynamics of Lake Myvatn, Iceland. High-amplitude fluctuations of the whole community.
- Fate of microplastics in freshwater waterbodies. Impacts and interactions with the planktonic community.
Candidates should apply for funding in the calls and therefore it is required:
- Degree in Biology or Environmental Sciences and master related.
- Motivation and interest to develop a doctoral thesis within the framework of the projects described.
- Good academic record.
Please send curriculum vitae to: and
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