Calendar and Timetables

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With the Calendar and Timetables Application you can generate the timetable and educational calendar in a custom way. On the one hand you can consult the general timerable of your studies depending on the course and the group you are … Read More

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

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[This is an automated translation from Google Translate] Passwords are a security mechanism intended to authenticate a user to a service when the user logs in. These are potentially weak and having only one password, even if it is strong, … Read More

Urkund plagiarim detection

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UVic UCC virtual classrooms use Urkund plagiarism detection to check authorship of texts that students send to the platform. The system is enabled by default for Moodle assignments, workshops and forums. When a student sends a text, it is forwarded … Read More

Moodle Mobile

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UVic-UCC online classrooms use Moodle, a program that lets users create customised virtual learning environments. The Moodle Mobile App for Android and iOS is now available for the whole Moodle community. With Moodle Mobile you can: Navigate quickly through content … Read More

Resetting your Virtual Campus password

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Outline To log in to the Virtual Campus you need your username and password. Your username usually has the form firstname.surname (possibly followed by a number if there is another student with the same name and surname), but the password can be reset … Read More

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