Montserrat Serra Mas2024-11-15T10:28:06+01:00
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Montserrat Serra Mas

Member in the Research line Mechanisms of tissue repair and regeneration

ORCID: 0000-0002-5528-2418

Scientific Profile: URECERCA

Is professor the Department of Basic and Methodologic Sciences at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) and director of the same department since 2018.

Dr. Serra developed its PhD thesis investigating the biosynthesis of pheromones in Lepidoptera under the supervision of Dr. Gemma Fabriàs and Dr. Jordi Bujons at CSIC. During her PhD she did a short stay in Prof. Peter H. Buist laboratory at Carleton University (Canada). After her PhD she worked as a postdoc for a few months at RUBAM in CSIC in sphingolipid metabolism. Later, she moved to Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute to work in the role of sphingolipid metabolism in cancer under the supervision of Julie Saba MD PhD (2001-2009). After that she worked in Cedric Shackleton PhD and Gordon Watson PhD lab to investigate the use of gene therapy in the treatment of SLOS syndrome in mice models (2009-2010).

Later, she joined Univesitat Internacional de Catalunya as a research assistant under the supervision of Pau Mezquita MD PhD on the role of the truncated forms of VEGFR-1 in the regulation of angiogenesis on cancer progression (2011-2012).

She later worked as a postdoc on the role of ubiquitin ligase enzymes in the biosynthesis of lipid droplets at Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) under the supervision of Pedro Carvalho, PhD (2013-2015).

Dr. Serra joined TR2lab in 2018 and develops her research on the mechanisms of tissue repair.

My last happenings:

VI Workshop in care for chronic wounds. Advanced treatments for complex wound

GRANT Principal Investigator: Marta Otero Research Team: Laia Bosch, Elisabet Dachs, Anna Dalmau, Ester Goutan, Núria Obradors, Montserrat Serra, Elisabet Sarri, Marta Casals, Xavier Jordana, Marta Ferrer, Montse Capellas, Clara Masó, Verónica Salgado, Mireia Bosch, Joan Fernández, Óscar Pérez Funded by: Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVIC-UCC). Ref: 006DIVA2022 Period: 2022 The Annual Workshop in wound care aims to contribute to an evidence-based practice based on the following areas: - Interdisciplinary research in difficult-to-heal wounds. - Collaborative research between scientists and health personnel. - Results-oriented research for efficient clinical practice. - Commitment to the dissemination [...]

February 16, 2022|

Observational study: correlation between the composition and the in vitro functionality of the autologous platelet rich plasma with the healing evolution of chronic wounds treated with this therapy

GRANT. Project information. Marta Otero Viñas leader a recently obtained grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER program (Acción Estratégia en Salud 2017-2020 – Proyectos de investigación en salud). Team members: Elisabet Sarri, Marta Ferrer, Joan Espaulella, Marta Cullell, Montserrat Masoliver, Jacint Altimiras, Víctor González, Marta Casals, Montserrat Serra, and Verónica Salgado. Original Title (spanish): "Estudio observacional: relación entre la composición y la funcionalidad in vitro del plasma rico en plaquetas autólogo y la evolución de heridas crónicas tratadas con esta terapia". Objectives: Complex chronic wounds in the elderly population with [...]

December 4, 2019|

Montserrat Serra Joins TR2Lab

Proud to incorporate Montserrat Serra as a new researcher of the TR2Lab. Welcome, Montserrat Serra, who joins to the research line of Research Line in Mechanisms of tissue repair and regeneration. Montserrat Serra is an expert in proteomics, lípid metabolism and molecular biology the fields where she has worked in her Ph.D and postdoctoral work. Check out her bio.

July 15, 2019|
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