We are so proud that Ricard Rubio, TR2Lab member during this academic year, successfully defended his final degree thesis on June 19th.
Ricard Rubio developed his Final Thesis Degree project (original title) “Creació d’un biobanc de sèrums de pacients amb ferides cròniques cutànies” in the research line of “Mechanisms of tissue repair and regeneration” of the TR2Lab under the supervision of Ph.D. Marta Otero Viñas.
In his final degree project, tools and experimental protocols have been developed for supporting the implementation of two funded projects of the TR2Lab: “Observational study: correlation between the composition and the in vitro functionality of the autologous platelet rich plasma with the healing evolution of chronic wounds treated with this therapy” (FIS PI19/01379) and “PECT: Osona social transformation” (001-P-000382).
Congratulations to Ricard on his successful degree thesis defense.
Good luck with your Master training program.
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