We would like to officially invite you to the Research Workshop of the FCTE, One Health: from environment to individuals that will take place next Friday 10th of March at Segimon Serrallonga room, Masia Torre dels Frares.

This Workshop is a great opportunity to get to know the research lines that are carried out in FCTE, which will be presented by different PhD students in oral and poster format.

We will count on the presence of three international speakers, with different expertise: Helen Greaves (University College of London) specialist on regeneration and biodiversity of ponds, Sarah Berndt (RegenLab SA, Swizerland) coordinator of the platelet rich plasma therapy line in RegenLab; and Jacopo Troisi (Theoreo srl, Italy) CEO of a spin-off specialized in metabolomics analysis.

Attendance is opened for all the University Community, but registration is required:


Find the complete Workshop program at: https://cdn.me-qr.com/pdf/12815432.pdf

This activity is funded by ”Ajuts per a l’organització d’activitats en l’àmbit de la divulgació científica i de la formació en ateria de recerca 2023” from Vicerectorat de Recerca i Transferència de Coneixement, and the Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering, in collaboration with Unitat de Divulgació Científica.