BOOK (Original Title) Title: Gestión enfermera basada en evidencias científicas.
Chapter title (original language Spanish). Patients experience: model EXPAC (Experiencia de los pacientes: modelo IEXPAC).
Authors of Chapter. Marta Casals Zorita
Book coordinators: Inmaculada Sanchez Martin, Xosé Manuel Meijome Sánchez, Albert Cortes Borra
Editor: Salusplay.
ISBN: 978-84-18396-67-0
Legal deposit: BI01319-2021
Published: August 2021.
About the book chapter:
The sociodemographic and epidemiological changes that our society is undergoing lead to a change in the model with more person-centered care, achieving a total integration of the patient and their environment. IEXPAC (Chronic Patient Experience Assessment Instrument) is a scale that assesses the experience of chronic patients. It consists of 11 items (+4). The test can be self-administered or with the help of an interviewer.
Objective: to know the experience of the patients of our organization.
Analysis: a) Threats: healthcare pressure, experiences from other centers, etc. b) Opportunities: active attitude of patients, knowing and evaluating the experience of patients, etc. c) Strengths: ease of access to the center, qualified, motivated, and trained personnel, etc. e) Weaknesses: evaluation of internal and economic results, scarce human resources, etc.
Design, development, and implementation: A non-healthcare professional will be trained to administer the IEXPAC tool to patients just the day before discharge, assessing the experience they have had in our field. To calculate the sample size, CALCUMED will be used.
Evaluation: with the data collected, the ideal statistical analysis will be carried out to determine the potential areas for improvement. An ad hoc commission will determine the specific actions to be carried out. It is intended to incorporate this tool both in research studies and in daily clinical practice.
Conclusions: the results and final report of the pilot test are intended to demonstrate the effectiveness of this tool on a day-to-day basis and in the results of a practice based on excellence.
Chronic patient, person-centered care, patient experience.
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