Very proud of the doctoral student Marta Casals for her presentation at the VII Congreso Internacional Virtual Iberoamericano de Enfermería, celebrated online on March 4th-11th, 2020.

Marta Casals presented a clinical case in an oral communication titled “Patient with tumor wound in the lower extremity treated in a Clinical Wound Unit”.

In this communication, the authors related the clinical case of a patient treated at the Wound Clinical Unit of the University Hospital of Santa Creu de Vic who suffered a wound to the lower extremity that became a tumor over time. The comprehensive approach to the patient was explained, as well as the treatments and referrals to specialized services necessary to be able to treat her, finally healing the wound.

Another example of the holistic and cross-cutting vision provided by nurses and the care provided by a multidisciplinary team.

Congratulations Marta for such an excellent achievement!

(1) Original title of the oral communication:: “Paciente con herida tumoral en extremidad inferior tratada en una Unidad Clínica de Heridas” Casals-Zorita, Marta 1,2; Ferrer-Solà, Marta 1,2. ; Sureda-Vidal, Helena 1,2 1- Hospital Universitari Santa Creu de Vic . 2-Grup de Recerca en Reparació i Regeneració tissular (TR2Lab). 3- Facultat de Ciències de la Salut i el Benestar, Universitat de Vic Universitat Central de Catalunya .