Helena Sureda presented oral communication on the utilization of the Braden scale for the prevention of pressure ulcers in intermediate care hospital.

The study was done with another six nurses of the Hospital Santa Creu de Vic. The workshop took place the last May in Vic (Catalonia), the topic of this year was dependency-related skin lesions.

The oral presentation, original title “Utilització de l’escala Braden per valorar el risc de les úlceres per pressió en un centre d’atenció intermèdia” shows the assessment of the risk of pressure ulcers using the Braden scale is used. Depending on the level of risk, some preventive or other care is done. The results of the year 2018 of the Braden scale of all patients admitted to an intermediate care hospital and the incidence of pressure ulcers were presented. The most important conclusion was the importance of recording all pressure ulcers in order to be able to carry out an epidemiological study and work on prevention.

Congratulations Helena for such excellent achievement!

(1) “Utilització de l’escala Braden per valorar el risc de les úlceres per pressió en un centre d’atenció intermèdiaSureda-Vidal Helena 1,2; Casals-Zorita Marta 1,2; Moruno-Sánchez Manoli 1; Morera-Soler Núria 1; Soler-Vilaró Montse 1; Sandu Ramona Nicoleta 1; Ferrer-Solà Marta 1,2. 1-Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic, 2- Grup de recerca en reparació i regeneració tissular (TR2Lab).